Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Our Trip to the Museum

Story by Leah
Wow! we went to the museum. It was really fun! We went into a room but we had to put on some gloves. We saw with our surprising eyes some eggs. It wasn't just eggs it was birds eggs. After that we went to a room and there was a big box of sand. Briannasaurus left her foot print and the lady talked about poos and how they turned into stone. We went into another room. We had a board, a piece of paper and a pencil. We saw a really, really, really, big ammonite. It was humongous. I haven't seen an ammonite for a long time.

Story by Jade
Room 7 and Room 8 went on a trip to the museum. We went on an Indiana Jones tour through the big museum. We went into a secret room. Room 8 went with another person. We went in the room to dig up some things. I found a piece of old shopping list. Then we went with another person and saw a dinosaur poo fossilised. It turned into rock. Then Briannasaurus left her foot print in a box of sand. The sand covered the foot print up. We drew a picture of Dunedin. We learnt that we live inside a volcano. When you are driving around Port Chalmers you are at the bottom of the volcano. There will not be any more lava coming out of the volcano because it is extinct. We looked at all kinds of animals on the walls. We went into different gallerys to look at animals fossilised into rock. We pretended to be archaeologists. We saw a fossil. When we went back to our bags the foot print was dry. Brianna got to take it home.

Story by Trey
Our trip to the museum was magnificent. As soon as Room 7 arrived is was probably the best day. Ruma ako eight and Ruma ako seven went up the stairs. My eyes were dripping hot flames because I was so hot. Suddenly we finally turned up at the top. Then we went to Indiana Jones's secret room and sat patiently. We studied objects and put the old, old, old, old objects in the years on a white piece of cardboard. I went into the secret room. We had to find if he was young or old, when and what he studied. There were two rectangle boxes, ten squares and we had to dig sand to find artefacts -that's archaeology. After morning tea we were doing paleontology.

Story by Elizabeth
Wow! my museum trip was like no other. There where so many exciting, extraordinary, fantastic things to do. First we were scientists and heard a story of a secret, spooky door. We split up my group and went to sort out olden day stuff. The other group went to see the spooky, secret room. When we went to the secret room we had to put on gloves.

Story by Jason
Our trip to the museum was amazing. I had two best parts. My first part was when Briannasaurus made a footprint and my other best part was looking at the plesiosaur. We went into a secret room. We split into groups. One group went to the secret room while the other group was sorting old things to use.
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Fast Facts- 26th Oct Outram Sprint

Congratulations to Emily who scored 60/60 in 6 minutes. Emily now joins the Outram Sprint Club. You clever Girl!
Well Done to Emily, Jacob and Jade who all broke their record this week as well.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Afterschool Star of the Week

Congratulations to Kayleigh for being selected as the afterschool star of the week. Mrs Simpson said Kayleigh was very helpful cleaning up during the week. Kayleigh got a voucher for an ice cream. Well Done Kayleigh!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Theme -What's under the ground?

Our inquiry unit this term is based on 'What is under the ground?' We will be learning about the layers of the earth, how fossils are formed, how scientists use fossils to find out about the past, classifying objects into man made and natural objects and finding answers to our 'I wonder' questions.
Tyler brought along pieces of a broken plate, a piece of clay pipe and an old rock.
Leah brought a piece of rock filled with coal.
Jason brought along dirt with layers of sand.
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Algebra - Patterns

In maths for the next few weeks we are learning about shape and number patterns. Here Kayleigh and Elizabeth are practising sequential patterns.
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Gold Certificate Winner

Congratulations to Katrina. She has achieved her Gold Certificate in Mathletics. Here she is with her certificate and crunchy bar. This is a big achievement!!! I am so proud of you!!

Narrative Stories

We are learning how to write narrative stories. We have been reading lots of fairy tales and becoming narrative authors.
A narrative story needs to have:
A Happy Ending
We will get to write our own narrative stories soon.
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Monday, October 20, 2008

Outram Sprint Fast Facts- 17th October

Congratulations to the following record breakers in the Outram Sprint:
What a difference having to practise the Outram Sprint in the holidays made to some children. Well Done!
Wow Wee! Elizabeth, Leah and Brianna got 60/60 in 6 minutes.  Kai Pai you three!