Saturday, May 31, 2008

Check out another cool site

GOLD PANNING -click on to read

School Cross Country

Get those running shoes on and practise running around the house or the around the paddocks. Remember it's not long until our Outram School Cross Country - 10th JUNE.

Outram Sprint - Fast Facts 30 May

Congratulations to the following clever kids who improved their basic facts results this week:
Jacob, Emily, Trey, Jason, Kayleigh, Angel, Hugh, Leah, Jade and Lilly.

The biggest improvement went to: EMILY who improved her score by 12. WELL DONE EMILY!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Dear Outram School children

It is 1850 and GOLD has been discovered at the Outram Glen.
You must turn back time to make your fortune.
Head to the Glen to find your GOLD.
Remember it is the time of the Otago GOLD Rush and many Gold miners are rushing to the Outram Glen to find GOLD too.
Be prepared and think carefully about what you will need to take.

Signed MAYOR of Dunedin

Remember we plan to make Monday 9th June our Gold Panning trip to the Glen. Please send your permission forms back for this.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Super Ball Handling Skills

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Monday, May 26, 2008


Today we started discovering all about 'GOLD'. Jacob's Great Grandfather used to mine for GOLD. Jacob brought along some photos, 2 gold mining pans, some scales for weighing gold and some real gold in a glass tube. Did you know it was worth about $500!!!! Wow that's a lot of money. Can you find something out about GOLD? Bring it to school to share.

Remember to bring along a glass jar tomorrow for our science experiment.

Check out the cool game called 'Gold Rush' on the right hand column. Unfortunately you will need a user name and password. I cannot put these details on the blog but Parents - you can email me tonight between now and 5pm at school or ring me later at home and I will give you the details. Otherwise I will send it home with the children tomorrow.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Outram Sprint - Fast Facts 23 May

Wow! what a huge improvement this week. Room seven is certainly getting faster writing the answers to those basic facts quickly.
Congratulations to the following clever kids for improving their record:
Brianna, Trey, Kayleigh, Lilly, Elizabeth, Jessica, Will, Jade, Tyler, Emily, Katrina, Madison and Zak.
Zak had the biggest improvement this week.
Well Done!

Our champion sprinter - Jacob completed a different race (Year 3) and achieved well especially considering he was doing times-tables. Super effort Jacob.

Glass Jar

Can everyone please bring a glass jar with a lid for tomorrow Monday 26th May for a science experiment? Preferable without a label. Thankyou

Friday, May 23, 2008

Dress Up Day

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hoop Game

We have been warming up for our 'throwing and catching' by playing a team game where we join hands in a circle with a hoop inbetween our hands. We had to move the hoop around the circle without dropping our hands. It was very funny to watch!!

Bunnies Galore!!

On Wednesday Jessie brought along her beautiful bunnies for all of us to see. They are 3 weeks old.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Throwing and Catching

We have been learning how to throw and catch a ball correctly.
We played 'The Bucket Throw'.
Team A stands in a hoop and tries to throw the ball into the bucket while Team B retrieves the ball and practises throwing and catching between the yellow lines.
The winners were: Zachery, Angel, Kayleigh, Evie, Zak, Jacob and Tyler.
Great throwing guys!

Monday, May 19, 2008


Dear parents Monday 19th May
This week we begin our GOLD RUSH unit. If you have any tools from the gold mining days or know of anyone who has knowledge about gold panning please let me know.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Try out this web site.
It has lots of cool things to do.
'A fantastic site' said Hugh's mum. Thankyou to Hugh's mum who suggested this site.

Mathletics Wk 2 Term 2

Congratulations to the following children who achieved a BRONZE certificate this week:
Katrina, Angel, Mika, Hugh, Emily, Leah, Trey, Jessie, Jessica and Jacob.

A SUPER effort by ZAK who achieved a SILVER certificate this week! Kai Pai!!!


Fast Facts - 16 May

Congratulations to:
Lilly, Katrina, Evie, Angel, Emily, Tyler, Trey, Jessica, Jacob, Kayleigh, Zachery, Madi, Elizabeth and Leah.

These children improved their basic facts score from last week. WELL DONE!

A big WOWWEE to Jacob who scored 100% in only half the time. CLEVER BOY!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Growing Germs Terminated

After growing our germs in a warm room over several days, today we uncovered a disgusting sight. The smell was unbearable and many children were holding their noses as we lifted the lids off. POOOOOOWEEEE!
Look at the photos below and you will think twice before putting
something in your mouth.

1. Finger
2. Light Switch
3.Tennis Ball
4.Left Uncovered
5. Writing Medal
6. Clean Finger
7.Left out for 15 minutes
8.Dirty Finger
9. Chewed Pencil
10. Chewed Rubber

Monday, May 12, 2008

Great Stories Today!

MOTORSPORT written by Hugh
On Saturday Dad and I went to watch motorsport. It was fun! The cars were speeding fast. The cars let off lots and lots of smoke. One of the cars zoomed past my eyes. The smoke that it let off nearly blinded me!

MY TOOTH written by Brianna
I went to the park with my bike, Mum, Dad and Lily. Lily bought her bike too. We played on the tennis court for a while and then I fell off my bike because the mud was in the way. My lip landed on the handlebars and my tooth went through my lip. My lip was bleeding. I needed a tissue!

Visiting Harold

Today we visited the Life Education Bus and met Harold.
We had to do some jobs for Harold.
First we had to come up with ideas about how to keep ourselves healthy and happy.
Can you list some ideas by making a comment?

Friday, May 9, 2008


This week on mathletics there are some more shape activities and guess what?....
I think you are so clever that I have put on some Year
3 activities. If you have trouble get mum or dad to help you.

Congratulations to Lilly who has obtained 12 certificates this year.

Congratulations to Brianna and Trey who have achieved a Silver certificate this week.

Congratulations to Jessica and Zak who have achieved another Bronze certificate also.

Here Tyler is doing his mathletics with Jason watching on.

Magical Shapes

We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We can also describe what they look like by using words like: The number of...


We have also been reading a 'Guess my shape' book.
Here Evie is busy reading it during a wet day lunchtime.

Growing Germs

Today we tried growing some germs in tin foiled cultures. We used a muffin tin to hold the cultures. Then wiped objects across the cultures and put them in a warm place for a few days.

Number 1 Finger
Number 2 End of a pencil
Number 3 Chewed rubber
Number 4 Dirty Finger
Number 5 Clean Finger
Number 6 tennis ball
Number 7 writing medal
Number 8 light switch
Number 9 Left out for 15 minutes
Number 10 Left uncovered

I wonder if the germs will grow?

Outram Sprint - Fast Facts

Every Friday Room 7 will be sprinting against the clock to get all their basic facts correct in 6 minutes.
Congratulations to Mika who finished just in time with all her facts correct. Jacob set a very fast pace and worked hard to achieve good results too.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Cleaning your teeth

Today we looked at caring for our teeth. The dental nurse came along and told us how to brush our teeth.
Did you know that you don't rinse your mouth with water as this washes away the toothpaste. It is best to keep the toothpaste on your teeth to help fight the germs and keep your teeth strong.

Instructions for brushing your teeth
1. Pick up your soft toothbrush.
2. Put a pea size amount of toothpaste onto your brush.
3. Brush the tops of your teeth. (bottom and top)
4. Brush in circles, the sides of your teeth.
5. Use a flicking action to brush the insides of your teeth. (Watch out as this can cause toothpaste to splatter on the mirror and poor mum has to clean it off)
6. Rinse your toothbrush under the cold water but do not rinse out your mouth.

Remember to brush after breakfast and before you go to bed.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Dirty Germs

We are learning how to keep ourselves clean and healthy. Germs are everywhere and we need to take special care not to spread the bad germs. Germs can make us sick and then we have to go the doctor for some medicine to make us feel better.

Room 7 made a list of how to keep ourselves safe from germs.
1. Always wash your hands after you have been to the toilet.
2. Wear clean underwear and socks everyday.
3 . Have a wash everyday. This should include a shower or a bath.
4. Use a tissue to blow your nose.
5.Use a tissue to cover your mouth when coughing.
6. Clean your teeth at least twice a day.

Can you add any others?