Monday, May 12, 2008

Great Stories Today!

MOTORSPORT written by Hugh
On Saturday Dad and I went to watch motorsport. It was fun! The cars were speeding fast. The cars let off lots and lots of smoke. One of the cars zoomed past my eyes. The smoke that it let off nearly blinded me!

MY TOOTH written by Brianna
I went to the park with my bike, Mum, Dad and Lily. Lily bought her bike too. We played on the tennis court for a while and then I fell off my bike because the mud was in the way. My lip landed on the handlebars and my tooth went through my lip. My lip was bleeding. I needed a tissue!


gregcarroll said...

wow Hugh and Briana .... cool stories. Sounds like you had exciting weekends!
Mr Carroll

grandie said...

Great story Hugh. Love the hat, mate.

Lots of love, grandad

Nana said...

Hi Hugh, Lovely story - I think you and Dad must have had a really exciting time at the car rally. By the sound of it there must have been a lot of noise and smoke. Cute hat!!
Love Nana