Friday, November 14, 2008

Jonas Brothers leave a comment on our blog!

The Jonas Brothers are a popular, young rock band in the UK. You may recognise some of the songs they sing including the one below - 'Kids of the Future'

Can you believe it! Joe Jonas from the Jonas Brothers ( a famous rock band in the UK) left this comment on our mathletics post. Check out our blog archive -August. Scroll down to 'Mathletics sees Gold'


gregcarroll said...

You guys are awesome!! How cool is that .... a comment from a really famous person.
You are doing great work in your class and you would have been very proud of Mrs Bellamy on Thursday when she presented about your class blog to a whole group of teachers. Mr Martin and I were very impressed with what she showed us.
Mr Carroll

Anonymous said...

great song, thanks for doing a comment on our blog. i like your song about kids of the future. The jonas brothers, you guys, must be sweating after your performances. did you know you are world famous? Youre like one of the famous and best songs ever. From Trey.

Anonymous said...

What a great song from the other side of the world. You are clever. We know how to sing "kids of the future" song. I really would like you to come over to this side of the world and play your song "kids of the future" to us. You are amazing and wonderful at playing your songs. From Zak.