Monday, May 5, 2008

Dirty Germs

We are learning how to keep ourselves clean and healthy. Germs are everywhere and we need to take special care not to spread the bad germs. Germs can make us sick and then we have to go the doctor for some medicine to make us feel better.

Room 7 made a list of how to keep ourselves safe from germs.
1. Always wash your hands after you have been to the toilet.
2. Wear clean underwear and socks everyday.
3 . Have a wash everyday. This should include a shower or a bath.
4. Use a tissue to blow your nose.
5.Use a tissue to cover your mouth when coughing.
6. Clean your teeth at least twice a day.

Can you add any others?


Jane Nicholls said...

We had a health nurse come to our school and she told us that if we were going to cough or sneeze rather than covering our mouth with our hands we should use the inside of our elbow. That way we don't spread the germs when we use our hands.

Anonymous said...

It is also important to keep germs off you hands so you don't spread them on the things you touch like the computer keyboard.

Anonymous said...

We Lernt about Germs Emily put her finger in the germs and Zak put his dirty finger in the germs too. And Kaley put a pencil into the germs as well.